Angelic Energy Healing

Angelic Energy Healing Program Level’s 1 -4,

Information on each of the four levels is below.  For those who wish to work professionally as Angelic Energy Healers (with the relevant holistic insurance) there are case studies to be completed for levels 2,3 and 4.  This will be explained to the participant during the workshop or you contact Debbie for more information directly.

There are currently eight levels to this healing program. For the purpose of becoming an Angelic Energy Healer the participant must complete levels 1-4. Information on level’s 1-4 is below.  Some participants wish to just experience the Angelic Energy Healing level 1 to learn how to connect with the loving healing energy of the angels and Archangels as tools and support in their own lives.  It is completely up to individual participant if they wish to continue after the first level.   The level one below is the foundation for the levels that come after.  By doing level 1 alone you will have gained valuable tools and techniques to continue to work with the angelic realms.  After having completed level 1 you can do the workshops in whatever numerical order you feel guided to.  I would  recommend if possible that you  try and complete them as they were channeled as some find it easier to integrate but its entirely up to you.  There is no set time to have completed the Angelic Energy workshops, be guided by your own intuition in relation to this and enjoy the journey.

Angelic Energy Healing Level 1, Two Day workshop

Date :

18th & 19th Jan 2025, 6th & 7th Sept 2025, Online 30th April (Wednesday morning over 5 weeks),

Cost :

€250 for workshop in the Heart Wings

Time :

10am to 5pm both days if workshop is in the Heart Wings.

Venue :
The Heart Wings Holistic School and Healing Centre, Lucan, Co Dublin

Angelic Energy Healing Level 1 – online 5 week course

Date :

30th April 2025

Cost :


Time :

10am to 1pm

Venue :
online on zoom

This workshop will run on zoom over 5 weeks on Wednesday mornings. Participants who wish to train professionally as Angelic Energy Healers must attend at least four of the five live classes. If you are partaking for your own self development and do not wish to practice professionally then you do not need to be present for the live classes. Classes will be recorded and the recording will be available for one week afterwards for those that cannot watch the class live. All participants will also receive a full manual (emailed out weekly after the class).

Week 3 is a 3 hour online distant healing workshop showing you how to send distant angelic energy healing using the angelic techniques.  The qualification you will receive for the online angelic energy healing workshops 1-4 will qualify you as an online distant healer (after completion of all levels and online distant healing case studies).  You will need to attend a 3 hour in person practical level in the Heart Wings Holistic School in Lucan, Dublin per level for the in person qualification. Each practical level in person will cost an extra €50 per person. This is only for those that wish to qualify as professional angelic energy healers so if you are attending for your own self development this does not apply.  I do envisage running levels 2, 3 and 4 online after this course for those that feel drawn to attend.  There are case studies required for levels 2, 3 and 4 but not for level 1.  You do not need to have completed the case studies to continue with your training.  The case studies are required if you wish to qualify as an angelic energy healer and can be done in your own time. 

There is a reduced rate for attending the angelic energy healing level 1 for members of the online community (this applies only for level 1). To book your place please click


This angel healing workshop is a fantastic course for anyone who would like to learn how to channel the powerful and loving angelic frequencies for their own self healing and for working with family and friends. This weekend is suitable for beginners and/or those who would like to have a complementary therapy for their own practices. During the weekend there will be a number of guided meditations, you will be given angelic tools and techniques for working with the angels for your own self practice. You will be given an opportunity to give an angelic healing and to receive one on the second day. Although this workshop is part of a bigger healing program it can most certainly be used as a stand alone weekend bringing information, insight and deep healing to all areas of the participants life. After this workshop you can choose to continue with the program if you so wish but this is not compulsory. Participants receive a full thirty plus page angelic healing manual and certificate of attendance on completion of the workshop.

This weekend will include attunements to the angelic frequencies of :

  • Archangel Metatron,
  • Archangel Chamuel,
  • Archangel Gabriel,
  • Archangel Zadkiel,

Topics covered will include-

  • What is angelic energy healing;
  • Guidelines for angelic energy healing;
  • Layers of the aura;
  • Protection, how to protect your energy field and healing space with Archangel Metatron;
  • What are chakras? The Archangels that work with each charka.
  • Scanning the aura- learning how to tune into your clients energy field with the help of Archangels in order to ascertain what part of the body/aura requires healing;
  • Self-love with Archangel Chamuel, technique for self-healing and working with others;
  • Sending distant healing.  How to work with the angelic frequencies to send healing and light to other people, situations, even yourself.
  • Grounding- Techniques to assist you to ground yourself and others with Archangel Uriel and grounding technique with Mother Gaia.
  • How to clear and unblock the energy channels as well as basic techniques and guidance when working with the Angelic frequencies.
  • Technique to clear, cleanse and unblock your energy field space with Archangel Zadkiel.
  • Technique for emotional and mental healing with Archangel Gabriel, technique for self and others.
  • Advanced strengthening and protective healing technique to anchor eight archangels energies around the aura in the formation of a sacred symbol.

Participants will be given the opportunity to work with the techniques during the weekend by giving and receiving angelic energy healings (plinth work). There will be guided meditations to assist the participant to clear and unblock their own energy field and also to assist the participant to connect with the angelic frequencies.

On completion of the course participants will receive an Angelic Healing Manual and certificate of completion.

If this workshop is facilitated online it will be recorded in part but recording will be turned off during manual work and personal feedback so it’s important that participants are present online for the duration of the workshop online. There will be tea/coffee breaks and also a lunch break during Saturday and a tea break on Sunday morning.

There will be a healing share approx every two weeks. During this evening their will be a guided healing meditation and participants have the opportunity to give and receive an Angelic Energy healing. ( Tea, coffee and chats after).

N.B. It is the right and discretion of Deborah Boyle to interview a potential initiate.

A booking deposit of 100 euro secures a place. Tea and coffee is provided.

For further details or to make a booking, you can contact email

Angelic Energy Healing Level 2, Two Day workshop

Date :

15th & 16th Feb, 4th & 5th October 2025, Online 28th May (5 weeks, 10am till 1pm)

Cost :
Time :

In person 10am to 5pm, Online 10am till 1pm

Venue :

The Heart Wings Holistic School, Lucan, Dublin 15

This workshop is a fantastic follow on from the first level, allowing and encouraging you to look deeper into your angelic connection and become familiar with different aspects of the angelic realms. You will be given powerful techniques which can assist your own self development and you will be shown how to work with family and friends.
This weekend will include attunements to the angelic frequencies of :

  • Archangel Shekinah,
  • Archangel Uriel,
  • Archangel Seraphiel and the Seraphim,
  • Archangel Zephron,
  • Archangel Mazuriel,

Topics covered will include-

  • Infinity healing with Archangel Shekinah and Archangel Metatron healing the connection with your twin flame, balancing male and female energies, healing any deep wounds or patterns.
  • Activating the infinity symbol with the Archangels Shekinah and Metatron bringing harmony and peace to yourself and others.
  • Technique with Archangel Shekinah to lift and clear heavy, negative or stuck energy.
  • Eliminating unwanted or excessive energy from your aura with Archangel Seraphiel and the Seraphim.
  • Wall of support with Archangel Uriel which is brilliant technique to strengthen up, protect and support your own aura.
  • Special healing grounding technique with Archangel Uriel for deeper angelic earth connection and angelic support.
  • Archangel Zephron, seeing the truth in self and others, aligning to your highest path, receiving guidance and wisdom. Zephron also raises the vibrations and helps to see a higher perspective in any situation.
  • Empowerment, illumination and expansion with archangel Mazuriel. Working with the energy of the great central sun.
  • The importance of being mindful of your intentions when working with energy.
  • Notes on deciphering and reading symbols and guidance.
  • Healing deep seated issues and pain.
  • Working with the power of 3.

Participants will be given the opportunity to work with the techniques during the weekend by giving and receiving angelic healing. There will be guided meditations to assist the participant to clear and unblock their own energy field and also to assist the participant to connect with the angelic frequencies.

On completion of the course participants will receive an Angelic Healing Manual and certificate of completion.

There will be a healing share approximately every month. During this evening there will be a guided healing meditation and participants have the opportunity to give and receive an Angelic Energy healing.).

N.B. It is the right and discretion of Deborah Boyle to interview a potential initiate.
A booking deposit of 100 Euro secures a place. Tea and coffee is provided.
For further details or to make a booking, you can contact Deborah on: +353 86 394 9117 or

Angelic Energy Healing Level 3, Two Day workshop

Date :

9th & 10th Nov 2024, 29th & 30th March 2025, 15th & 16th November 2025, Online 9th July (4 weeks)

Cost :


Time :

10am to 5pm

Venue :

The Heart Wings Holistic School, Lucan, Dublin 15

On this level you have an opportunity to engage on a deeper level in your own sacred connection and to really develop and connect with your true divine nature. We get meet and engage with the beautiful and loving archangel Ariel, and the sacred goddess Sophia. You will be shown how to activate the sacred spiral symbol. You will also connect with the ascended master energy in particular with ascended masters Hilarion and San Germaine. This level also touches on the shadow and you will be shown gentle loving techniques that can assist you to support others on their sacred journey. In particular you will be shown how to assist trapped or stuck earthbound people and to clear heavier energies from within and around the aura. There are numerous techniques and healing tools included on this informative and deeply healing angelic workshop.

This weekend will include attunements to the angelic frequencies of :

  • Archangel Ariel,
  • Hilarion – Ascended Master,
  • San Germaine – Ascended Master,
  • Goddess Sophia,

Topics covered will include-

  • Sophia goddess of wisdom and truth. Techniques for working with this sacred energy to anchor in divine wisdom. Also techniques for clearing energetically stuck or blocked spaces and how to activate and instill higher vibrations in a designated area.
  • Healing technique with Archangel Metatron and Sophia for healing and peace.
  • Angelic Spiral healing, how to activate the ancient sacred symbol and to clear or infuse an area with love.
  • Archangel Ariel, the pure divine properties of this loving healing archangel and powerful healing techniques to work with.
  • Ascended Masters, who they are and how to work with them.
  • Ascended master Hilarion, emerald green healing energy of Hilarion and powerful healing technique.
  • Ascended Master San Germaine and the ultra violet flame, also powerful healing techniques for working with the energy of the ultra violet flame.
  • Healing the shadow- how to bring spirit to light, clearing heavy or negative energy.

Participants will be given the opportunity to work with the techniques during the weekend by giving and receiving healings. There will be guided meditations to assist the participant to clear and unblock their own energy field and also to assist the participant to connect with the angelic frequencies.

On completion of the course participants will receive an Angelic Healing Manual and certificate of completion.

N.B. It is the right and discretion of Deborah Boyle to interview a potential initiate.A booking deposit of 100 Euro secures a place. Tea and coffee is provided.
For further details or to make a booking, you can contact Deborah on: +353 86 394 9117 or

There will be on-going healing meetings after Angelic Healing Workshops which participants can attend if they wish. These are a fantastic way to meet and keep in touch with like-minded individuals and will also provide extra support and training. These meetings generally entail a meditation, distant healing and the participant will also be given an opportunity to give and receive healing. Deborah will be on hand at these meetings to fully support and give advice to the participant.

Angelic Energy Healing Program Level 4, Two Day workshop

Date :

7th & 8th Dec 2024, 26th & 27th April 2025, 13th & 14th December 2025,

Cost :


Time :

10am to 5pm

Venue :

The Heart Wings Holistic School and Healing Centre, Lucan, Co Dublin

This final level is a very powerful informative and healing workshop. You will be shown how to connect with Archangel Raziel to channel inner wisdom and information through automatic writing and scripting. This will support you to access your own inner insight. You will be attuned to the deeply healing energy of Archangel Raphael and receive powerful healing techniques to work with Raphael. You will work with healing affirmations with Serapis Bey. You will also be introduced to the golden light of the Tuatha Da Danann through working with Goddess/saint Brigid.

This weekend will include attunements to the angelic frequencies of :

  • Archangel Raziel,
  • Archangel Raphael,
  • Ascended Master Serapis Bey,
  • Goddess/Saint Brigid,

Topics covered will include-

  • Diamond portal activation with Archangel Raziel.
  • Third eye balm with Archangel Raziel to help calm overly sensitive gifts.
  • Channeling information, automatic writing, working with crystals whilst channeling with Archangel Raziel.
  • Working with the light of Archangel Raphael.
  • Dimensional healing with Archangel Raphael.
  • Affirmations to raise your vibrations with Serapis Bey.
  • Activation of the sacred fire within with Serapis Bey.
  • About the Tuatha Da Danann.
  • Goddess/Saint Brigid – Working with Brigid’s flame for self healing and working with others.
  • Connecting and healing with the angelic elementals.
  • Tuning into and connecting with the sacred earth energy.
  • Angelic Elemental Grounding.

Participants will be given the opportunity to work with the techniques during the weekend by giving and receiving healing. There will be guided meditations to assist the participant to clear and unblock their own energy field and also to assist the participant to connect with the angelic frequencies.

On completion of the course participants will receive an Angelic Healing Manual and certificate of completion.

There will be follow up evenings every three to four weeks to allow healers to meet and exchange Angelic experiences.

N.B. It is the right and discretion of Deborah Boyle to interview a potential initiate.

A booking deposit of 100 euro secures a place. Tea and coffee is provided.

For further details or to make a booking, you can contact Debbie on: +353 86 394 9117 or

Levels 5- 8 are for students who wish to continue their journey with the angels.  Once the participant has completed level one they are eligible to partake in any of the other levels they feel drawn.

Level 5 – Angelic Energy Healing- 24th & 25th May 2025 – Christ consciousness level
Level 6 – Angelic Energy Healing -28th & 29th June 2025 – We work with the angelic moon cycle, the participant will be shown how to attune to it and be given healing techniques for each phase of the moon.  You will also be attuned to Archangel Azrael, Archangel Jeremiel and Goddess Isis and other techniques
Level 7 – Angelic Energy Healing- 26th & 27th July 2025 – This is very magical, we work with Archangel Michael, Archangel Faith, Blue star angels, Lord Merlin, sacred unicorns and crystal dragons, the Arcturian and much more
Level 8 – Angelic Energy Healing – 29th & 30th November 2025 – This is the master level. Level 8 can only be attended by fully qualified Angelic Energy Healers who have completed all necessary criteria as it is the master level, you do not need to have attended levels 5,6 or 7 to attend level 8. You will receive attunements to Archangel Haniel, Archangel Sandolphon, we cover more of the angelic elemental energy and also how to work with the archangels of the 4 directions.  You will be given info about setting up your own business, how to energetically set up a private practice or your own healing groups.  You will be shown how to do an angelic attunement and get to practice this and much more.  

For those who wish to work professionally as Angelic Energy Healers (with the relevant holistic insurance) there are case studies to be completed for levels 2,3 and 4.  This will be explained to the participant during the workshop

Angelic Energy Healing Program Level 5, Two Day workshop

Date :
31st May & 1st June 2025
Cost :
Time :
10am to 5pm
Venue :
The Heart Wings Holistic School and Healing Centre, Lucan, Co Dublin

Levels 5 – 8 are for students who feel drawn to continue their own healing journey for their own self development and to deepen their practice

Level 5 is the Christ Consciousness level. This is a powerful and deeply healing level. We work with the Ascended Masters and sacred symbols in this level. During this level participants work with the loving energy of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and other ascended masters. There are beautiful deeply healing techniques and meditations. This is a very special transformational level.

Angelic Energy Healing Program Level 6, Two Day workshop

Date :
28th & 29th June 2025

Level 6 is also a powerful and deeply healing level for participants that wish to deepen their angelic connection and develop their spiritual gifts. During this level participants are introduced to Archangel Azrael, Archangel Jeremiel, Goddess Isis, Angelic Moon Cycle with specific angelic exercises for each day of the moon cycle. There are attunements, angelic techniques.

This weekend will include attunements to the angelic frequencies of :

  • Archangel Azrael
  • Archangel Jeremiel
  • Goddess Isis
  • Activation of Angelic Moon alignment

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