Ever wanted to know about angels and archangels, how to connect with them, how they communicate with you, how to invite their loving positive energy into your life? Then this is the workshop for you.
Then this is the workshop for you.
This deeply healing and informative workshop covers the following
The aim of this online course is to introduce the participant to the benefits of working with the Angels/Archangels, allowing the participant to develop a deeper connection with their own healing team of angels. This workshop will also provide the participant with techniques and tools to bring the positive loving energy of the angels into all aspects of life. A booking deposit of €100 secures a place.
Full manual of all material covered is also provided covering all the information that we cover during the class.
This workshop costs €150. There is a reduced rate for this course for members of the Angelic Connections online community. To make a booking, you can email Debbie at debbie@angelicconnections.ie or fill in the booking form below. Debbie reserves the right to interview all potential participants.
For anyone interested in learning to do a powerful spiritual clearance I will be running one on the 12th of December online from 6pm till 9pm.
This is the same clearance I do before running any workshops or courses and it is one of the most powerful ones I know.
It is only 3 hours long and you do not need to be present for it as it is recorded. All participants will be included whether they are there live or not. There is no reduced rate for this one. This workshop cost
This is an advanced energy clearance and it would be advisable to have some energy healing experience. If in doubt, please contact Debbie at debbie@angeliccconnections.ie
This workshop costs €80.
More info out soon
Cutting Negative Ties with the Archangels
This is a very powerful one day workshop for one and all which will be run online (zoom) from 10am till 4.30pm. During this workshop with cover
This workshop is for one and all from those beginning to the more experienced. It would be particularly beneficial if you have identified something within yourself or within your life that you feel is negatively affecting you and that you would like to heal the source of the connection or drain. During this course we work in unison with the Archangels mentioned above and powerful healing angelic light. I enjoy facilitating this workshop and find that it is extremely beneficial to those that feel drawn to it.